Monday, November 06, 2006

all about the boy

...We have a neighbor boy, around 9 years of age, that waits at the bus stop with Rhett and some others. Rhett thinks he is totally cool and always follows him around and tries talking to him. I say "tries" because this boy totally ignores Rhett. He has two younger brothers and I guess he thinks Rhett is just like them, I am not sure. But it doesn't faze Rhett. No sir. My #4 thing that I am thankful for is:

4. Rhett's attitude toward people
Rhett is such a pleaser and just loves to be friends with others. It doesn't bother him at all that this kid does not pay him the time of day. He just smiles and goes right on talking to him. I want to scream, "Hey, you, what is wrong with you? Rhett is a good kid! Don't you hurt him!!" but then I look at Rhett and am so proud of him. He still likes the neighbor, still wants to be around him and is still so happy. And I know in my heart that he would never do that to others. He is a protector. Yesterday, we went to church with their grandparents and they asked for guests to come up and Rhett, who is so shy in front of large groups of people, put his arm around his little brother (who totally isn't shy at all) and they made their way up to the front together. He is such a good friend to Noah and an awesome brother. Yes, he does do annoying older brother things sometimes, but for the most part, he is so loving and caring. I am so proud of who is becoming.


Krista said...

He is a sweet boy.

Doesn't it break your heart, though, to see other kids being mean or rude to yours? I just can't stand it. Makes me consider homeschooling (although admittedly not for very long!).

Cheryl Wray said...

Sounds like he just has a wonderful attitude! And you are right--it is so cool when you look at your child and realize that she is actually growing into the kind of person you want them to be. (I'm feeling that way about my 14-y-o dd right now; just so proud of her!)
I love your Countdown to Thanksgiving. I think I will have to do this on my blog too!

H Noble said...

How sweet! Kids are amazing.