Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rhett's big day

...So Rhett had a great weekend. Not only did he lose his "top" tooth but something even more exciting happened. He went to one of the Big 12 Championship games with his dad and grandparents and a little while later, while Noah and I were out, he called and left me a message. Here is a transcribed version:

Rhett on the answering machine: Mom! I ... I got...I got...I got...I got a FOUL BALL!!!! I just wanted to call and tell you that! I love you!! Bye!!!

Seth later told me that they actually got two foul balls. The first one, an older boy several rows above them actually caught but was nice enough to give the ball to Rhett. Really. He just let him have it. I love that there are nice kids in the world.

Then a while later, Seth caught one. He gave it to Rhett and said, "Do you think we need to give this to the boy who gave you the foul ball?" And Rhett immediately said, "Yes!" So he went up and gave it to the boy. I love that one of those nice kids in the world is mine.

Rhett was a happy, happy kid that night.


Krista said...

That's sweet. And I love the pic of him without his top teeth.

H Noble said...

That is awesome, and I love that Seth is the kind of dad that taught Rhett what kindness is!