Sunday, January 06, 2008

my resolution

...I have a resolution. I am going to be even more committed to saving the world. Hee! Hee! Actually, I am going to be even more committed to helping the environment. (I'll give you a minute to roll your eyes.)

Okay, minute is over. Look, I know how difficult it is to "fight global warming." I know that I am a hypocrite because I drive an SUV. And forget to recycle. And drink out of plastic water bottles. And there are many ways that I can improve. But isn't that what resolutions are for? To improve? To do more?

Do you know that most questions that presidential candidates get about environmental issues are from students? Of course they care. This is what they'll be dealing with when they are parents and grandparents and responsible adults.

My kids are too young to care or worry about such things as global warming. So I am caring for them.

I don't know what all I am going to do. But I feel like God has placed this care on my heart so I am going to be open to ideas. I know I am but one person but someone has to start doing something. I am going to be that someone in my family.

My 3 action goals for this week:

To teach my boys the importance of turning off lights when they leave the room.

To unplug electronics when they are not in use.

To turn my thermostat down at night and when we leave the house.

My research goal for the month:

To find ways to offset our carbon footprint.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

H Noble said...

Good post- you are right, that you are only one person, but you are one more person that can make a difference. We have a programmable thermostat that has saved us money by cooling off at night and during the day when we're not home. Look for one that has separate weekday and weekend settings.
(It is hard to type one handed holding a baby!)