Thursday, February 07, 2008

have some whine with your day

...Bye now I should be used to the whiny cries of my child. Especially since I was somewhat whiny myself as a child. Here Seth will argue that I still am whiny. Ha. Ha.

Anyway, I should be used to it, but that doesn't mean it is not annoying. This morning, one of my boys was hanging on my like he was 2 when I was trying to leave him at school. "Please, I don't want to go to school. I want to be with you." Then he actually broke down and cried. And all the while I was thinking "Shouldn't we be passed this stage?"

Then when I went to pick him up, I saw all smiles. He was hugging his classmates, he was laughing. The teacher looked at me and said, "He had a great day. He just really loves his mama."

In my head I was whining, "But if he loved me, he wouldn't act like that in front of all my friends. Please, act like a big boy. Please will you stop whining and crying?

Sigh. I guess once a whiner, always a whiner.


Krista said...

I assume you're talking about Noah? Because Mallory went through a separation anxiety thing right about this time last year -- and yeah, I kept thinking, why are we STILL going through this? She got over it in a couple of weeks. Mostly. Now Phoebe's hit a new sep anxiety phase herself. Someday it will end. I hope.

It's nice to be loved, but sometimes it's tiring to be so "wanted."

Toby E. said...

I went through the same thing a number of times with my youngest. It will end though and you'll look back on it with a smile and knowing it meant you did something right for them to want to be around you so much :)

H Noble said...

I'm sure it is annoying, but just try to think of the fact that your kids just love you that much and that means you are a great mom! Someday they won't want to be seen with their uncool mom! ;)