Wednesday, April 09, 2008

it's so silly!

...Last week, Noah's teachers let them have fun with Silly String. So, of course, Noah wanted Silly String of his own. Because I was feeling generous (or crazy--sometimes I think these two go hand in hand) I let him pick out 2 cans.

He waited all afternoon (oh, those 3 hours until we picked up Rhett were torture I tell you!) to use his Silly String on his brother.

A short 3 minutes later all of it was gone. But, it really was fun for them while it lasted. Shouts of "Let's get some more!" were heard while I was picking up all of that {silly} string out of the grass. I could have said what I was thinking, which was, "Never!! I will never buy this $3 can of stuff that doesn't last but a few minutes again!"

Instead, I said, "Maybe this summer, okay?"

I know, I am such a nice mom. :0

What do you think of my new blog header? I wish I could say I designed it myself, but I didn't. I found a site that lets you use blog headers for free and when I found this one, I thought it was perfect. So, thanks Jonathan M., whoever you are.


Krista said...

You are a nice mom! :)

I love your new header...I may have to go find a new one for myself!

H Noble said...

I think you are a great mom, and I fear that I am going to be the fuddy duddy mom b/c I hate Silly String and such things.

Your header is quite lovely!