Thursday, February 05, 2009

or as some of us call it--today

...Whenever Noah talks about something and it involves time, I almost die laughing inside (I don't laugh on the outside because it hurts his feelings. Oh my sensitive child). Take this morning for example:

N: Mom, can I buy something for Alissa?
me: Who is Alissa?
N: Well, it was her birthday yester-no, um- the day after yesterday and I want to get her something.
me (holding in my laughter): ok.

The day after yesterday. Do not get it confused with the day before tomorrow. That wouldn't be right at all. ;)

He does it everytime. I love it!


H Noble said...

That's too cute. Before you know it he will be all grown up and not need your help with words and we will be missing those times. Certainly don't laugh at his sweet mind figuring it all out!

Krista said...

For Phoebe, everything happened "next week."

"Remember that movie we saw next week? I want to see it again."

It is hard not to laugh.