Friday, May 08, 2009


...The other day Rhett told me that he needed deodorant because his underarms were so sweaty and sometimes smelly. So last night, I gave him some Irish Spring Deodorant Soap to use in the shower. Here is the conversation I overheard:

Rhett: Wow, this soap smells so good!

A few seconds later...
R: Now my underarms smell great!

A few minutes later...
R: Noah, did you know I am using deodorant soap? My underarms smell awesome!
Noah: Let me smell!

Ah, the life of a mom of boys.


Anonymous said...

The minds of boys work totally different than girls! It sure does make things interesting sometimes. Sandy

Anonymous said...

I am cracking up! How funny!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait - my turn is coming! :)
