Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Road Trip! Krista's House! Back Home!

Hello all.  So...last week, my mom, the boys and I had a little jaunt (ha!) across half the country to North Carolina to visit my sis and her family.  We drove two days to get there, stayed about 3 and then drove two more days to get back.

I am tired.

When we were driving home, Noah almost had a breakdown and said, "Please, next time can we fly there?"

I nodded my head in agreement.

Actually, the driving wasn't too bad.  It was just long.  And now I know that if we ever drive that way again, we need to take a day or two more to drive.  Each driving day we were in the car at least 10 hours and most of the time it was 11 1/2.  Then, we need to stay longer.  But, I digress.

High points of our trip:

The boys were great in the car.  They watched movies, read, played ds and occasionally talked to each other and us.

The drive through Tennessee was my favorite.  We went over so many rivers and the trees were beautiful as was the gentle curves.  Memphis and Nashville are two places I really want to visit again for longer than a bathroom break and a night's sleep.  Rhett wants to go whitewater rafting.  Noah wants to visit all the children's museums.  Mom wanted to go to Graceland, but settled for seeing a gianormas statue of Elvis that if touched would sound an alarm.

On the way back, we ate at a Subway in Nashville and mom and I both had a pulled pork sub.  That was the closest we got to having Southern barbeque but let me tell you, it was delicious!

The boys and their cousins got along so well.  The girls watched the boys play the Wii (The Simpsons game is their new favorite), they all played on a water slide for hours it seems both Saturday and Sunday, and we watched two movies together.  We first went to a Drive Through and watched Toy Story 3 for the second time, then we watched Descipicable Me, which was hilarious and sweet. 

I loved that we could sit and catch up with Krista and Chris and just hang out, which we couldn't do at Great Wolf Lodge at Christmas. 

Rhett caught the drawing bug and started drawing action figures.  He even imagined his own and Uncle Chris helped bring him to comic book form life.  Pretty awesome.  Rhett went from drawing simple figures to action heroes that had abs, so that is great improvement! 

Oh and this is how Noah looked for half of the trip:

It is not that Noah didn't have a good time, because he did.  He told me.  It is just that he, well, is Noah.  Last night, I asked him if he had a good vacation.  He said, "Yeah.  Well, I had my ups and downs....Probably a few more downs than ups."

And that pretty much sums him up.

As for me, I had more ups than downs.


Krista said...

The girls keep saying how much they miss Rhett and Noah. I love how well they got along. I had more ups than downs too. :)

Abbey said...

woWhat a fun trip! I highly recommend Memphis and Nashville. They are both such fun places to visit. Also if you get a chance the Smokey Moutains outside of Knoxville are a great time too. Let me know and I'll hook you up with Mindy and Doug! :) And the BBQ....mmmmmmm!

H Noble said...

Glad you had a good time. And we've driven that before- not entirely fun!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't do driving very well either -- 5 hrs is my max and that doesn't get you very far in TX! Glad you had fun!
