Monday, April 18, 2011

a celebration of learning about Noah

Noah had a mucical today.  It was very cute.  They sang songs from Suessical the Musical (I'm totally guessing here but they were Dr. Suess songs and it was called Suessical the Musical, so I'm pretty sure that is right).  After, we went to his classroom for a Celebration of Learning! He showed me his power point presentation on sharks (One slide said  SHARK!!!!!!!!!!!!RUN!!!!!!!!!! against an orange screen), showed me his poster on FDR (huge blue paper with two smallish pictures on it and one paragraph of Roosevelt)  his caterpillar ("Here are some caterpillars.  Let's go do something else now."), his artwork (half of them were unfinished) and some of his writings in his writer's workshop folder (umm, I won't comment) .  Then he read to me from Calvin and Hobbes for 15 minutes.  I concluded this about my son:

He can ham it up when he wants to.  He totally rocked in the musical.

He is much more interested in reading about sharks than actually doing a project on them.

He is much more interested in reading than doing much of anything else in school.  In fact, his teacher said that sometimes, she catches Noah with a book during math. 

He has a creative side...but he doesn't want to spend time on that side.  He would rather read.


1 comment:

Karen said...

Hmmmm! He sounds like an 8 year old boy to me!