Thursday, October 16, 2008

double double

...Rhett lost his 8th tooth yesterday evening. Then, Noah decided to be brave and have his very loose tooth pulled when Daddy got home last night. (I told him it would save a trip for the Tooth Fairy)

When I say Noah decided to be brave, I mean he really had to gear himself up for it. Every other time we would start to pull just a little, he would squeeze Rhett's hand really tight and then scream, "AAAh! AAAh! AAAh!"

Seth told him it was ready. He said he could get it but it might hurt a little. Noah said no then okay if you think you can get it then you can try if you really think you can get it now then you can do it...

And then he screamed and cried. Until Seth showed him the tooth. Then he was all smiles.

Oh and Rhett? He is now such a pro he just pulled his tooth out himself. No big deal. :)

Note: The boys do have pajama bottoms on but no top. Just thought I would clarify that.

Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. I told Noah to have you post his picture today. Rhett is an old hand at pulling teeth. Hope the Tooth Fairy didn't forget to come. Sandy

Anonymous said...

im here because of few cents for you. just dropping by.

Cheryl Wray said...

Cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

Funny that Connor's teeth are coming in as the boys are coming out!


H Noble said...

Yeah, I think Eli is finding the 'lost' teeth! He is up to 8 now!

Good pictures, and what big boys!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So cute! Bailey has lost 5 teeth, and Peyton has lost 2! Our babies are growing up too quickly, Aimee!