Wednesday, October 01, 2008

so long summer

...Last night we had a sort of Farewell to Summer Supper (about a week late). Corn on the cob and pasta were enjoyed outside and then we played until dark. It is funny how Summer barbeques are always talked about when Fall is really the best time to be outside. The weather is beautiful, not to hot, not to cold. Good times.

Here is a snippet of conversation from last night:

Noah: Why do flies always rub their front arms together?
me: They are plotting their revenge. Bwa Ha Ha Ha!
Rhett: They are excited to taste the food!
Noah: Yeah!

me: So Noah, are you learning about Germany this week?
Noah: Yes. I know how to speak Germany now.
me: Tell me some words.
Noah: Well, I can tell you a story. There was a girl and a boy and I really don't remember the name or what happened (and on and on this went in a vague sort of fashion. Admittedly, I tuned out).
Rhett: Mom, I know the name of the army from Germany. The Germans!
me: Well, if you are from Germany, then you are a German.
Rhett: Oh yeah. Well, the German army was mean and put many people in jail and the women had to cook their own food.
Seth: Yes, during World War II, there were many people jailed for unfair reasons.
Noah: Do you want to hear the end of the story?


Anonymous said...

Love Rhett's comment about the women having to cook their own food.

I agree that fall is the best season. I love fall.


Krista said...

Cook their own food! Oh no!

I love Noah's story, too.