Monday, March 30, 2009

cool finds

Onion goggles. Love it. I had cutting onions because everytime, my eyes become a stinging, watery, mascara running mess. I have tried everything (burning a candle, sticking my head in the freezer, not breathing) to no avail. I know sticking an onion in the fridge will help that problem, but I do not plan that far ahead. Which is why I want these.
Drumstick pencils may have to be in my boys' easter baskets. Such a cool idea (for home, not for school--I love teachers and wouldn't do that to them!).

Chopstick kids. My kids love trying to eat with chopsticks but just can't get it yet. Aren't these so cute?

keep reading...there is a post below too!


Krista said...

I definitely need those onion goggles!

H Noble said...

I've heard that if you slice your onion underwater it won't cause that problem. But the problem is then that your onion would be very wet, and if you are chopping it in small pieces you would have to strain them out of the water. Geez.

A science fact for you: the fumes from the onion mix with your tears and make hydrochloric acid. That's why it burns so bad. And who says Alton Brown is just for entertainment?! ;)

H Noble said...

Oh, and I fully support you changing colors! A nice spring green with a touch of magenta or pale blue!