Friday, March 13, 2009


...I am totally breaking my Lent promise not to be on the internet in the morning. My preacher says that we can do the things we gave up on Sundays (because they are mini-Easters) but I never get on the internet on Sunday morning anyway so I figure I am just using my free day of the week.

I feel like I haven't blogged in awhile. So here is a little update:

*I took some pictures of the boys! They are cute. I will upload them sometime. I am just on the wrong computer (I am full of excuses today)

*We had one last shot of winter this week. I had just planted some bulbs last weekend so I hope they survived. Surely. You know, I had great plans on making my backyard a beautiful wildflower/prairie/meadow. I even checked out some books at the library. I was so excited. Then I saw all the work. And I had to admit to myself that I can't even get my front flower bed to look nice. So I am putting that plan on the back burner for now and I am going to concentrate on making my front flower bed a butterfly garden. Wish me luck. This not-quite-green thumb needs it.

*Noah has started soccer and has his 2nd game tomorrow. That is if it is not too cold. He is funny. He will play so hard the first 2 minutes then he gets so tired! I told him he needs to run sprints at home. That went over well. Mr. I would rather play video games than do anything else is not exactly thrilled to be told to do something active.

*Books. I haven't talked about what I have been reading lately. Right now I am reading Revolutionary Road, The Trouble With Boys (more about that later), Guyland, and a bunch of natural stomach care books. Oh, can't forget the two how to grow your own wildflower garden books.

*My friends could still use your prayers if you have them. If you want to read updates look here.

*Spring Break is next week! If it is your break too, then I hope you do something fun. And relaxing. And if your kids are home too, then I am sorry. Ha Ha! Just kidding. Sort of.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Our spring break is a loooong time from now.

I like the idea of making the lawn a "prairie." I didn't know that it required a lot of work, though. I thought you could just let the grass grow long. Guess not!

How is Rhett's stomach?