Tuesday, June 09, 2009

banana allergy and other things

...Last night, I was eating a banana and the top of my mouth started itching! This has happened before but only if I eat a banana, whole and by itself. So today, I looked it up and I guess because proteins in fruit are similar to proteins in pollen, many times one can get an allergic reaction when eating a specific fruit, especially during allergy season. Huh. Learned something new today!

Week one of summer just flew by. The boys are enjoying every moment: playing in the sandbox, swimming, staying up late, sleeping in, watching tv in the morning...everything a kid wants to do all year round but only get away with it in the summer.

I am enjoying it too. I am exhausted but it is good. I am getting many things checked off my list and I even have time leftover to do some fun things too. I think not watching tv at night has really made me more productive. Since there is nothing on, I do laundry or clean instead.

Hopefully, in a week or two I will show you pictures of my butterfly garden. The flowers are beginning to bloom. Still no butterflies, but it is early. We have seen many birds from a hummingbird to a cardinal in the backyard where our bird feeders are. Their sweet singing gets me out of bed in the morning.

Have a great day!


H Noble said...

I haven't heard of a banana allergy and I'm so sorry! They are a staple for me. Can't wait to see pics of your garden.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the mocking bird. They have just returned this week. They are loud and make so many sounds I love to hear them. Hope you have some in your yard too. Sandy

Krista said...

That's weird about the banana. Apparently people who are allergic to bananas can also be allegic to latex. So watch out for balloons!

Anonymous said...

Cameron is allergic to bananas. Apparently it is a more common allergy than one might think.
