Saturday, June 20, 2009

to our Dads

Dear Dads,

Happy Father's Day! We are sorry we aren't in Friona to give you each a hug in person. We are also sorry you won't get a card from us and your gifts won't be arriving on time.

But instead of focusing on what you won't have (us, the card or a gift), let's focus on how lucky we are to have such great fathers in our lives.

My Dad:
The other day Seth said he wanted me to watch him change the oil in my car because he thought I said it would make my dad proud. All I could remember is my dad getting so angry that I couldn't even check the oil in my car (my big brown olds). I tried and tried to get the dipstick back in the place it belonged but just couldn't. Dad was none too happy to have to do it for me (and show me how for the millionth time). So, then I got mad. We stayed mad at each other for a couple of hours. (I promise, it gets better). Then, I remember him getting up, coming into the kitchen where I now was (making a giant cookie for something that doesn't concern us in this story) and asking if he could have a little. I said no. (Well, it was for someone else). But, then I said he could have some of the smaller cookie that I made from leftover batter. He smiled. I smiled. And all the anger melted away. (See, a happy ending). So the point to this story is even though he may be proud if I could change the oil, I don't think it matters (which is good because there is little chance that I will learn, sorry). What matters is that my dad loves me for who I am and is always there for me when I need him. There are times when, as a parent, it will be so difficult to have to show your child something over and over but you do it. Because you know you have to. And Dad, you'll be glad to know that I do know how to check the oil now. I still am better in the kitchen than I'll ever be in a garage but that has got to better anyway. I Love you Dad.

Seth's Dad:
I remember when Seth and I broke up for awhile (way back in high school). Seth's parents stood back and never said much about it. A few months later, we got back together. I was happy. Seth was happy. I didn't realize (until years later) that Seth's dad and mom were happy too. In fact, Seth said that his dad told him that if Seth were to ever let that girl go again, he would kick his butt. The point to this shorter story is that Seth's dad also loves me for who I am.


Just kidding. I mean, I know he loves me and that story is true, but really the point is that Seth's dad let Seth make his own decisions and knew when he should step in and knew when he should stay by the sidelines. That has to be one of the toughest things as a parent. When do we bite our tongues? When do we say something? Sammy knew when to say something at the right time. We were back together and Seth knew it came from love. And luckily, there has been no butt-kicking because almost 11 years later, we are still together. :) We love you Sammy!

Have a wonderful Father's Day.

Love, Seth and Aimee

PS- Rhett and Noah say Happy Grandfather's Day!!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Those are sweet stories. I think I can picture the very look on Dad's face...I'm sure I was on the receiving end of it a few times myself.