Tuesday, November 23, 2010

no matter, we are thankful anyway

Today, Noah had a Thanksgiving Play.  He did wonderful on all of his lines, but I don't really think he was listening to the message.  When we were eating our sack lunches together afterward, he looked at one of his classmate's acrostic* for the word "Pilgrams" and saw on the letter 'g' she wrote the word, God.  He looked at me and said, "God?  What does God have to do with Thanksgiving?"


I asked if he really listened to the play about why the pilgrims came to America. 

"They wanted to worship God their way, I know."


"But what does that have to do with Thanksgiving?"

Noah, why do we have Thanksgiving?

Blank look.

Don't we give...



"We pray to God.  Yeah, yeah."

Okay.  Good to know he knows.  I guess.  Does this mean, if Noah lived all those years ago, he would not have been a Pilgrim? 

Here is Noah's Pilgrim acrostic:

P lymout
I ndian
L akes
G rowing crops
R owing canoes
I ll
M ayflower
S ail

Have a great Thanksgiving my friends and family. 

An acrostic (Greek: ákros "top"; stíchos "verse") is a poem or other form of writing in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message.


Krista said...

"Ill" is a good one.

Mallory wrote a report about pilgrims...including the fact that "when they came to the New World, it was empty. There was no one else there." I'm hoping that her teacher didn't really forget to mention the Native Americans.

Karen said...

I like ill too. Shows that he is thinking - about something!