Wednesday, December 01, 2010

on the first day of December

We baked Spritz cookies, a holiday tradition that for many years had not been a tradition.  To explain, my mom used to make these cookies with her kids every year.  It was a pain but those yummy buttery cookies were so worth it.  But we grew up, moved away, got married and had kids and honestly, I never thought about trying to find a Spritz cookie maker myself.  Lo and behold, last year my friend, Cathy, moved away and one of the things she gifted me was her Spritz cookie maker because she "never would make those!"  I secretly rejoiced inside. 

Here is a sampling of cookies the boys and I made:

 Rhett thought of mixing the two colors together.  How come I never thought of that? 

In other news:

Rhett now knows the big truth. He was feeling so guilty because he was starting not to believe, but he wanted to believe but it is so hard, but how can he not believe, will he not get presents now, is he a terrible person and you get why I had to tell him.  The biggest thing that came out of that conversation was this:  "So, who eats the cookies?"  Seriously, he can't believe we would eat a whole plate of cookies.  Lucky us.

 He also lost two teeth today at the dentist and was a good sport and pretended to believe in the Tooth Fairy too.  What a guy.


Karen said...

Aww! I am really somewhat surprised that he still even thought of believing. Most kids figure it out by the 2nd or 3rd grade.

Your cookies are beautiful. The colors are really vivid. I think that my cookie press finally broke.

Krista said...

Yummy, now I want some spritz.

That's so funny about the cookies. I think my kids would be more confused about who eats the carrots they leave for the Easter Bunny.

Anonymous said...

Very sweet -- Connor is just starting the whole Santa cute - I can't imagine the day he grows out of it! I know it will be here before I know it!

Are you getting ready for all the birthday parties yet? Just wondering how that was going to go this town, new friends, etc.
