Thursday, October 26, 2006

we've been hit the neighborhood phantom. Don't worry, it is not bad. I actually have never heard of this game, but apparently, one person gives 3 neighbors a treat, then they must in turn, give 3 of their neighbors treats and so on. But it has to be anonymous. So the tricky part for me is to get the boys to ring the bell of the neighbors houses we choose, then run as fast as they can away from the house. Hopefully, no one will be home. I can just see Noah just standing around waiting for the door to open, then let himself into the house to play. He loves other people's houses. I will let you know how it goes.

Other Halloween news: We carved a pumpkin yesterday into the shape of a skeleton. I know the boys wanted the little saw, but I just couldn't let them have it. I told them maybe the next one. I know it is too early to be carving a pumpkin because it is already looking sad, but it was rainy outside and we were bored.

We also made yummy cupcakes yesterday, as if we need more sweets for the holiday. But, in my defense, it was rainy outside and we were bored. (I know, I already used that excuse.) I did let them do most the work here. They had a lot of fun.

We also tried putting fake cobwebs outside our house, but the wind blew them into my fake flowers and it was a big, REAL mess trying to pull it apart. So that idea was a bust. Oh well.

I, for one, will be glad when this tooth-decaying holiday is over. Halloween is fun and all, but it has been one long month of it, you know?


Nancy said...

My sisters neighborhood did this phantom ghost thing when I visited in St. Louis. I had never heard of it before but they sure had fun with it. I love the pumpkin.

H Noble said...

The pumpkin is awesome! Good job! We have pumpkins in our flower beds and on the sidewalk. Justin bought the turkey parts (head, wings, tail feathers) that you stick into a pumpkin, but we are waiting a little closer to Thanksgiving for that.
I want to come stay with you- you guys have so much fun!