Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the howling wind, broken eggs, Noah

Oh, how I hate the wind.  Last night, it blew so hard.  My neighbor's wind chimes were out of control and the wind carried the sound of the trains going by right to my window.  We have a lot of trains going through Edmond in the middle of the night.  Most of the time I can barely hear it. 

Yesterday, the boys and I dyed Easter eggs.  These eggs were hard boiled, until I realized they really weren't.  Never fun finding that out.  FYI: Soft-boiled eggs are just as messy as raw eggs.  Rhett was disappointed because he really wanted to eat a hard-boiled egg.  I am the one who broke them.  One on the floor.  Eww. 

This morning, I woke Noah up.  He said, "Mom, how am I going to get through 7 hours of school?"  Poor kid.  Doesn't realize how good he has it in first grade.

That is all I have. 


Krista said...

Ew, sorry about the eggs. I tend to overboil mine.

I hate the wind too.

Anonymous said...

Tell Noah teachers also think those things especially this time of year. The days get really long and boring when it is pretty outside. Sandy

H Noble said...

Not a fan of wind.

Perfect hard boiled egg: follow Betty Crocker's instructions.

So sorry Noah. I thought that about work when I woke up too.

Anonymous said...

Ahh...1st grade - those were some good times! :)

Oh, and I found out today that Connor's class is having their egg hunt next Tuesday - after Easter?!?
