Tuesday, March 23, 2010

sharing six things, mostly random things

  • I'm missing my spellcheck on my blogger.  Did you realize I misspelled typo-ed "statement" in my title from yesterday? 
  • I'm eating jellybeans and my teeth will pay for it later, but oh well.
  • I have my hair in a bun styled like Jessica Alba:

Except that it isn't that fabulous.  Mine is less fancy, thinner headband, more disheveled (meaning: windblown).  Yes, I had to look up disheveled to make sure I spelled it right.  Stupid non-existent spell checker.

  • I am, oh, so excited, for Lost tonight.  Lots of answers await.  Including, how old is Richard Alpert? 
  • I just finished reading Beautiful Creatures by Kari Garcia and Margaret Stohl.  It was right up my alley:  supernatural forces, love, drama, oh and southern roots thrown in.  Awesome.  Can't wait for the sequel in October. 
  • It looks like we are staying here until end of school year.  I have mixed feelings about this.  On one hand, I am happy the boys will get to finish out their year here.  On another hand, we miss Seth.  Only 2 more months, only 2 more months...


Krista said...

I bet your hair looks really cute! Even if it is disheveled. (dishevelled?) Ah -- the comment box does have spell-checker!

Anonymous said...

How is the house selling going? Had many look at it?
