Thursday, March 18, 2010

a short note on family fun

Last night, the boys and I played Monopoly (not the junior kind) and it was actually fun.  No having to count out their money-both made change like math whizzes! No need to read the cards (although I have to say that Community Chest and Chance are a little outdated...guess that is why they have a new Monopoly game out there).  Heck, they even made sure to pay rent on the space they landed on, even if Rhett we weren't paying attention (I can't say I did the same every time).  This was the first time playing that game didn't seem like a chore.  (No offense to my two offspring).

I don't know how it will go once their dad plays with them.  He is a shark and has bankrupted me quickly before.  Until I played with Seth, I had no idea that the game could end.  :)

Have a good day!


H Noble said...

I don't think I've ever played a Monopoly game to the end. :) We are still on the 52-card pickup type games around here. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Connor has just gotten into games - but we play by his rules of course!


Krista said...

That's impressive. The most complicated we're able to play is Uno.

And my girls still have to be reminded every single time when it's their turn. Saying, "Now you go!" every two minutes kind of sucks the fun out of the proceedings.