Tuesday, November 01, 2011

T(w)een Wolf vs. Vanishing Man

 It was a like a cheesy horror movie at our house last night.  We had the webs, the b-movie characters (thanks to Martha Stewart's Halloween magazine), and ghosts.  We even tried some spooky lighting but it didn't work. 

Without further ado, here's the Houston boys starring in their own 'picture' movie:

To Catch a Vanished Man

The Vanishing Man is creepy.  Can you see him? Only if he wraps his face in guaze.  Ooooo.  Wait, is he behind the tree?
 Now he's over here! Watch out T(w)een Wolf! He's right behind you!

Aw, but the baby-face wolf knows all about the Vanishing Man.  That man that hides behind his fedora thinks he has us all fooled but T(w)een sees through the man whose invisible.  Yes, Wolfie has been on his trail for weeks now. He has set a trap and has been waiting patiently for the man in guaze to appear. T(w)een Wolf looks and quickly runs to catch him! Now is his chance!

The wrapped-up man in glasses runs from the not-a-child-not-quite-a-teen wolf and falls right into the trap that was set for him! The Vanishing Man is brought down by his own web of deception and lies!  Aha ha ha ha!  What will happen to the well-dressed vanished man now? 

T(w)een Wolf doesn't know!  He never got that far in his plan!  He really didn't think he would ever catch the man no one can see!  He needs some candy to think straight.  And its almost getting dark.  He tells the Vanishing Man that he will be back and to stay right where he is.

The Vanishing Man laughs quietly.  He is not worried.  He has his ways of disappearing.  T(w)een Wolf doesn't know but VM likes his candy too.  In a flash, the Vanishing Man is up and gone, into the night, always wary of a wolf that is between the ages of 10 and 12.

The End?

T(w)een Wolf.....Rhett
 The Vanishing Man....Noah
Make-up and hair....Mom
Set design....Rhett

To Catch a Vanished Man Part 2: Coming soon

The T(w)een Wolf catches The Vanishing Man again! And this time he has a plan...and plenty of candy.  Bwa ha ha ha!


Karen said...

Funny! Loved the story.

Anonymous said...

You guys are sooooo good.