Tuesday, May 11, 2010

this post is about my brother

I have mentioned the awesome blog before and I hope you have been reading it because it is just really great.  The other day it mentioned that people who help you parallel park are awesome.  And they are. 

When my brother and I were in driver's ed, we had a very strict teacher as our driving instructor.  Now, we were good kids and she liked us (ok, she liked us because we of our great sisters) but it still made me nervous.  Especially the day we were supposed to parallel park,  I was terrified.

And that is when my brother came to the rescue.  He sat right behind the instructor and because of that she couldn't see his sly hand gestures that told me to keep backing up, keep backing up, turn, turn, turn...stop!  I parallel parked perfectly that day.  Thanks to Casey.  He is awesome.  I don't know if I did the same for him but it wasn't for lack of trying. 

Of course, I have not been able to parallel park one time since that day.  But that is okay.  I like parking further away from buildings and walking anyway.


Anonymous said...

Oh, our summer in drivers ed could be a whole post in itself! :) Changing a tire, not being able to talk, and so much more!


Krista said...

Aw, that's sweet.

I almost never parallel park either. And I don't remember who helped me get through driver's ed without really learning how!

H Noble said...

Who was your instructor?? I had Coach Hanna and he was great! But then again, you guys are really old. :)