Friday, September 16, 2011

a former night owl confesses change

Before school started, I probably mentioned that I would have to start getting up earlier and didn't know how it would go. 

I have found that the first ten minutes are the worst.  That is when most people probably drink a cup of coffee, but since I don't drink coffee, I sit in a chair and read emails from my phone.  Rhett usually is on the couch, curled up in a blanket, because he didn't want to get up either.  Then we finally drag ourselves to the kitchen and I make breakfast (which usually is cereal or frozen waffles) and while he eats, I get his backpack, water bottle and snack ready.  Then I feed the dogs and catch up on the world while sitting outside (it was chilly this morning!) while they are eating.  By the time I go in, Seth and Rhett are ready to go. 

I have ten minutes usually to eat breakfast and read some more before getting Noah up.  I start at 7:30.  On a good day, he is up by 7:38.  I quickly make his breakfast, get his lunch and snack and water bottle ready then go get dressed in either work out clothes (because some days, I run with a friend.  I know! Me, run.) or regular clothes and make up.  Today I was happy because I got to wear jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt.  I am so happy to not be wearing shorts. 

We are out of the door by 8:07 because his bus comes around 8:15.  (Did I tell you?  They finally moved the bus stop closer to my house.  It is just around the corner now.  I feel very bad for the owners of the house where the bus stop is though because their poor lawn is getting trampled on by 40 kids every morning. Yes, 40 kids. Crazy.)

I either run right after or come home and do a few things before going to school to volunteer (Today, I pass out frozen yogurt to the 5th graders!) or running errands.  Yesterday, I cleaned and organized. 

I am telling you all of this boring stuff because I have a point and I am getting there.

After spending time cleaning out my dresser yesterday, I looked at the clock and it said 12 pm.  I couldn't believe it was just noon.  Surely, I thought, the clock is wrong.  I have done so much and it couldn't possibly be just noon.  But it was.  That is when I realized that getting up early is wonderful.  I feel so much more productive, even when I don't do that much.  I find that I go to bed earlier and I only hit my snooze button once, but still get up before it goes off again.

The second week of school, Seth looked at me after I had just gotten up and said, "You are still getting up early?" And I said of course! If Rhett has to do it every morning, how unfair is it for his mom to sleep in?  And how wrong. 

So there you go.  A former "not a morning person in the slightest" is liking the early morning wake-up call.  Who knew?

However, I still sleep in on Saturday. 



Krista said...

Good for you!

I'm wearing jeans today too. Yippee!

Anonymous said...

I agree about getting up early. I seem to get so much more done, but usually by night I am thinking is it only 8--not time for bed yet. It is harder when you don't absolutely have to get up early but I sure am enjoying it sleeping in until 7 or so.

Karen said...

Glad the bus stop is working better. It has been cooler here too. About time!

Anonymous said...

It is 6:15am wake up & staying up until 10pm is late for me! :) It seems like no matter how early we get up, I am always late! I have meetings every morning at 8am, yep, EVERY morning!
