Friday, April 30, 2010

The Goose written by my son

*This is a short story written by Rhett.  I am changing names in this story because he used his friends names.  But everything else is exactly what he wrote and how he wrote it.

The Goose

One day a few kids named Danny, Rhett, Cole, Joshua and Diego were walking home from school and saw a goose.  David said, "hi", to the goose.  It said hello back, and Danny fainted.  We got Danny back up and the goose said, "do you have fruit?" Joshua had some fruit and gave it to the animal.  We ran away and the goose said, Me WANT more fruit! A cookie flew out of Rhett's backpack and the weird talking animal ate it.  Shoot said Rhett, I payed Diego five bucks for that! 

When the boys got home they sat down on some couch cushions. 
That was freaky.
Yeah, really. 
Ok, Who wants noodles for supper, "said Charles."
"I do" said Rhett and Danny together.
I'm going to read.  AHH! "Where's my Limited edition Chinese bookmark," said Diego.
Let's go outside!
Rhett opened the door and a balloon floated in.  It had a note attached to it.  I am going to get you. Also, I will be wearing a suit because I just got home from work and didn't have time to change, so look out! From Goose. 
Cole said, "On second thought, let's stay in."
Diego said (while chewing) "I have an idea"! We can seal the door with glue! 
To risky. 
On Tuesday, they day they had to use their brains.
We could put a piece of bread in a bushel.  While he's eating we can whap him with a bamboo stick and knock him out. 
The Next day...
It worked!

The End?


H Noble said...

kids have such an amazing imagination. did we write like that??

Krista said...

I can't decide which line I think is the funniest. It's hilarious that sealing the door with glue was "too risky," compared to luring him to a basket and whacking him with a bamboo stick. The noodles for dinner thing was completely random and also very funny. In conclusion: Ha!

Karen said...

I agree, Krista. It was hilarious!

Chris said...

Has anyone around here seen my Limited Edition Chinese Bookmark? No?

This was hilarious. Tell him he needs to write more. Heck, these would make great comics. Save all these, I might draw them one day.