Wednesday, July 09, 2008

jobs, lifes, and wives

...I don't know why, but the most meaningful conversations with my children come right before bed. Maybe they are just trying to delay lights out or maybe that is the only time they will allow themselves to be reflectful (I am sure it is the former not the latter). Anyway, last night was a great conversation.

It started off with just Noah. He was in the bed and I was hugging him good-night. Rhett was saying good-night to Dad in the other room.

Noah: Mom, I wish we could be married.
me: I know. What we have is so great though! You are going to be my sweet son forever and I'll be your mom forever.
N: But what if I'm a Dad?
me: Then that's even better! You'll still be my son and you will have also made me a grandmom!
N: Oh yeah!

Rhett walks into the room.

Noah: Will Rhett and me live together when we're Dads?
Rhett: Only if our wives let us!
N: I think our lifes will want to live together.
R: It is wife, not life!
me: I guess you could live together if you wanted to. You could live next door to each other, or in the same town or in different towns. My sister Krista lives way far away from me and so I don't see her very often. I don't see my sister Jana very often either. I wish they lived closer.
R: Yeah, we 'cause we don't see them a lot.

N: Mom, when I grow up, I'm gonna take of you and Dad. Because I really like you. And that's all I'm gonna do.
R: I'm gonna be a racer and then when I make billions of dollars, I'll be a billionaire. That is how it works right?
me: Yes, if you have a billion dollars, then you are considered a billionaire.
N; First, I'll go to the Olympics and then once that's done, I'll live with you.
R: A racer, go to the Olympics and a billionaire. That's all my jobs!

N: I wonder what my life (wife) will be like. What will my children's names be?
R: Mom, if we can't get a job or can't afford a wife, can we live with you?
me: (laughing) I guess if you live with me, you must not have made that billion dollars?
R: I guess not! But, really, do you think we can afford a wife?
me: (laughing again) How much do you think a wife costs?!?
R: Probably a lot.

me: (leaving the room) If you can't afford a wife or can't get a job, you will always have a room in our house. Especially if Noah is taking care of us.

I'm glad to know that they are thinking about the future. I do wonder what kind of wife Rhett wants though. She seems like she is a little high-maintence to me. :)


Krista said...

Aw, that was sweet. It's funny how little kids really think that they're going to want to be around their parents forever! And yeah, Rhett needs to be very careful choosing his wife!

And I think the wife/life confusion is pretty fitting!

Andrea said...

This conversation cracked me up!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Pretty funny - especially the concern that he won't be able to afford a wife. Maybe he needs to talk to Gary since he considers me high maintenance!


Anonymous said...

Let me set the record straight that I have NOT taught my sons that a wife costs a lot of money. Let's be clear - I am in NO way responsible for that comment.

Your loving husband.

Cheryl Wray said...

HA ha. I love it!! Wives do cost a lot sometimes, don't they?