Wednesday, August 26, 2009

{happy sigh}

...I would say that I have been fantastically busy, with all the things I now have time for when my sons are away all day at school. It is true, I have big ideas on what to do with my time.

However, none of that has happened this week.

This week, I have been consumed with love and vampires.

After reading each book exactly twice and then re-reading some of my favorite parts again (and losing countless hours of sleep because of the reading and re-reading) I can cautiously say that I think I am ready to return to my normal life again.

But before I begin to see everything I have neglected (laundry, dishes, house), I do want to say this:

If you want a really good love story, one that makes you remember all the butterflies you felt when you first fell in love, then read these books. They are totally sweet, romantic and squeal-worthy. There is also plenty of life-threatening action involved if you would rather have that. Purely fun.

That being said, I now have to go do some housework.

Oh, and thank you for all your well wishes about our anniversary. We had a great time that day and it was Seth who gave me the Twilight books, so thank you to him especially. I enjoyed the few days off. ;)


Andrea said...

I love the Twilight books! They're easy to zoom through, huh? :)

Krista said...

I haven't read those yet, but I just reread all the HP books, so I'm in that emerging-from-a-book-fog state too. It's sad when it's over, isn't it?