Monday, August 31, 2009

a short break already

...After a week and a half of school, the boys already have 2 days off. Today, we are hanging out. We slept late, I made French toast for the boys, I rearranged Rhett's room (his room confounds me--when will look exactly right? I just don't know) and now I am listening to them screaming (in a good way?) at each other.

Tomorrow, we get up early so they can get the FluMist.

Because the flu's going around, you know.

(Ha! Ha! I laugh at that last line because Rhett said that to me when we were at a neighbor's house for dinner. I had a plate of chips and dip and he asked if he could have some and I offered my plate for him to use. I was done. He looked at me, then shook his head and said no thank you. "The flu is going around, you know." The rest of the night we said that after everything. It was funny.)

Too bad it's true.

1 comment:

H Noble said...

Why the break so soon? Not yet Labor Day, so will they get another break next week?