Thursday, June 17, 2010

its the best of both worlds

I am still surrounded by boxes, but half of them are filled with just paper and some are broken down so that is good.  I tackled the laundry room today and boy, I didn't like doing that.  Actually, none of this has been fun except when I discover that I have more room in this house so I don't have to stuff things into a tiny space.  So yay for that.  And boo for unpacking.  And boo for the humidity because my sons do not want to do anything but watch tv.  They are learning all the songs from Hannah Montana and I actually have always enjoyed the Disney Channel (way back when there was The New Mickey Mouse Club and someone on it looked a little like me-to myself anyway) so I don't mind the shows. 

But I think within a few days all the boxes will be unpacked and we can start living in our house like we should. Then maybe the boys and I can go explore all that Tulsa has to offer.  The aquarium, the zoo (maybe really early in the morning?), the space center, ect.  I hope so.  Summer is flying by...

Well, back to it! 

1 comment:

H Noble said...

Yea for progress! You'll get there soon enough and can enjoy normalcy again. One day at a time!