Wednesday, June 02, 2010

random post while waiting to move

The movers were supposed to come today, but changed it to tomorrow.  So here I am, fighting a cold (of course), eating pretzel M&Ms (so yummy!) and taking a break from everything else to bring you my last blog before the big move.  I don't have anything profound to say because I am too tired to get emotional about leaving a place that we have lived longer than any other place since we got married.  And really, it was only 4 years, so it wasn't even that long!  Ha! Ha! 

Instead I will say that my dad was appalled (appalled I tell you) that I could write such a lengthy and intellectual post about a tv show and still not have read the many books he lent me about The Civil War.  (And Brother, he was just as appalled at you for watching this show too, so you aren't off the hook!)  I told him, jokingly, that  if The Civil War was as interesting as an island with mysteries, then I would be reading those books.  Seriously, though, I was overwhelmed.  So what did my dad do?  He gave me another book about the Civil War.  And I have started reading it.  And I love it!  Yay.

You see, I asked Dad a question about why people in the South call the Civil War, The War Between States. The book he let me borrow is all about the South's attitude toward the war they lost.  Confederates in the Attic follows the author, Tony Horwitz's adventure for places and people who still speak as "though [their] kinsmen died yesterday, not 130 years ago."  It is hilarious and interesting and disturbing all at the same time.  What is most disturbing is that children in the Children of the Confederacy, are being taught to hate Yankees.  Or maybe it is that some parents register their babies at birth to become the youngest child registered in their division of the C. of C. 

I still am not even half-way through the book but I am glad I have it during this stressful week. 

Well, I better get back to it.  I will update when we are moved into our new home and have internet access.  Till then, adios and have a great June!


Krista said...

I have seen some Civil War memorial here in NC that calls it the "War of Northern Aggression." I THINK it's the statue at UNC-CH, but I'm not totally sure about that.

Good luck with the move!

H Noble said...

Hope the move all goes well and you don't lose or break anything too big. :) Seriously, hope you get settled easily. Have a great summer!