Tuesday, June 05, 2007


...Rhett read an entire book to his dad last night. He also read it in the car earlier that day. It was Lilo and Stitch and it was a Level 2 book and he did an awesome job! I just can't believe he is reading. And what is great is that he even comprehended what was going on in the book.
And I love that Noah is so involved in this process too. He will repeat what Rhett reads and try to help him out when Rhett is stuck on a word. It is neat to watch.
My boy is reading!!!


Anonymous said...

This is only the beginning. Once Rhett begins to read, he will want to read more and more. He is interested in so many things he will enjoy reading about all of them. This is what I enjoy about teaching second grade. Reading is so special to me and I love to see kids enjoy reading. Sandy

Anonymous said...

Yea for Rhett! There has got to be some level 2 dinosaur & animal books - I remember the snake kick he was on not too long ago. As a secondary teacher, I hope he continues to enjoy reading - so often my students get discouraged by AR programs and such.


H Noble said...

That's wonderful, but not surprising. His mom and grandmothers and aunts all love to read, and its fantastic!

By the way, how in the world does Krista have time to read as many books as she does?!

Shaunna :) said...

Isn't it amazing? I am so excited for you guys - the beginnings of REAL reading in a child are always fascinating!! I never get tired of hearing that little voice through the phone, yammering away on his latest picks from the library... Treasure it for all its worth!!