Sunday, November 14, 2010

a big dose of Harry Potter

In anticipation of the new Harry Potter movie, we've been watching the Harry Potter movie marathon on ABC family.  It seems silly to watch it on tv because I have all the dvds but I've been sick, so laziness is pardoned.  Oh and we is mostly me but sometimes Rhett comes in and watches the second half and Noah comes in once or twice as well.  Seth usually comes in at the very end. 

Rhett is a question man.  He comes by it honestly but it drives me crazy during Harry Potter. Number 1, I've been trying to get him to read the books forever, even offering to read them with him but he is never interested.  Number 2, as I said before, he comes in during the second half of the movie.  Which means there are many questions.  And in Harry Potter, if you ask one question, it leads to another and then you seem to be trying to explain the entire series to a boy who takes everything literally.  It is exhausting.

Last night, we watched the third and fourth movie (Prisoner of Azkaban and The Goblet of Fire).  Here is a sampling of questions from my son:

Who is the prisoner?
What are those flying things?
I thought they were called the Death Eaters?
So what are the Death Eaters?
Werewolves don't really look like that, do they?
Why did the big dog bite Ron?
Is the big dog a werewolf?
So the prisoner is good?
Who is Peter Pettigrew?
Why did he kill Harry's parents?  Wait! Voldemort killed his parents, so why did Sirius go to prison for it?
The time travel would make a black hole in the universe, right?  At least it did in Penguins of Madagascar.  Does it here?
What is that bird thing?
Why is it going to be killed?
It eats ferrets?  Birds eat ferrets? Oh its half horse, ok.
So, the death eaters are sucking out his soul?
I thought they were death eaters! What are the death eaters?
Do they eat death?
But why are they called the death eaters?
Does Voldemort worship anything or just himself?
Why does Voldemort have a nose like a snake?

Hey, isn't that Edward?!? (from Twilight)
Is this their summer vacation?
Is this the one when the dementors come? Death Eaters!
Oh! I get those mixed up!
What is that skull in the sky?
Who is the guy that made it?
Who is that guy with the fake eye?
Why does he have a fake eye?
Why is Moody drinking that stuff all the time?
Why is Neville crying when the bug is being tortured?
Who tortured his parents?
Why does everyone have a "Harry Potter stinks" button?
How can Harry get his broomstick if he isn't allowed?
What does gillyweed do?
Are they going to die?
Is her name Harmony?
Why are Krum's eyes like that?
Does Dumbledore die?
Why won't you tell me?

I finally asked him if he wanted to finally read the books with me and he said, "Maybe."  But I'm sure he is thinking, "Why read them? I know all I want to know."

Seth has watched all the movies with me but the problem is, he doesn't remember what happens.  He needs to review before we go watch the movie, because I told him no questions during the presentation.  ;)


Krista said...

Harmony! Hee!

That would drive me crazy. And you're right that there's no way to answer any question about HP in a satisfactory way if the person is not familiar with the whole thing.

My kids think HP is dumb and boring. Sigh.

H Noble said...

Wow Aim. good luck answering all of those questions. And I must say that although I was already quite sure I had no interest in Harry Potter, the content of Rhett's questions confirmed it. :)

Had a nice visit with your Mom at the craft show! :)

Anonymous said...

Am I still the only one that has never read these or seen the movies? I think I have posted this before...:)


Monkee said...

Ah, yes. The questions :) My 7 year old asks me questions rapid fire from the moment I walk in the door (He's stading at the door waiting for me most nights) until I send him to bed. lol!