Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Oh that Rhett is a funny one!

In the past week, here are some of the things Rhett has said:

After seeing a commercial for a beauty product for women, he asked Grandmom why girls use that stuff. She answered so they can feel or look sexy.
R: I don't want my mom to become sexy. I like her just the way she is.

This morning on the way to school, Rhett was staring at me. I wore my hair in a ponytail. He finally said,
R: Mom, right now you look younger than you actually are.

To his grandparents who came to visit this past weekend, he was explaining our "diet" because...
R: My dad is getting bigger. {giggle, giggle}

At the grocery store, where Seth and I fought about the "diet" I kind of forced on him:
R: Mom, I guess you and Dad are getting divorced now.

And that night, after Seth made a delicious meal on the grill. (We had made up by then):
R: So, Mom, how's the "diet" going? (I kid you not, he really used the hand motions for the quotation marks.)


H Noble said...

Those are hilarious! Kids are so perceptive, or at least have an interesting perspective.

j said...

Oh my word! He is a funny one isn't he? Kids are a blessing and a.....well a blessing. Jen