Wednesday, April 29, 2009

drip drip drop little April showers and more!

...This morning I awoke to heavy rain and thunder. I love that here in Oklahoma, there really is such a thing as April Showers. The Texas Panhandle where I grew up never had that really. April Winds but no April Showers.

Anyway, let me tell you about my week.

Yesterday my son's glasses broke but were fixed easily. I bought 2 pair of shoes at a store that sells "good for feet" shoes but I am going to return them today. Buyer's remorse. I am having to talk to myself about this situation because I feel guilty about buying them and guilty about returning them. This is what I am telling myself:

"It is perfectly within my right to return these shoes. Who cares if they ask you why? It is none of their business. You are the one who spent the money. Don't feel bad for returning them. You are right."

:] (That is trying to be my sheepish grin. Can you tell?)

Moving on...

Rhett learned how to play marbles at Boy Scouts. Noah has been non-stop potty talking. And getting mad at everyone and everything. Fun times.

But here is something useful for you:

About a week ago, Noah came up to me and said:

"Mom, do you know that 3000 people in Africa die everyday because they don't have clean drinking water? But did you know that there are these straws that they can use that make germy water become clean? You put dirt in water, then drink it through the straw and it comes out clean!"

Then he walked away. I had no idea where he obtained that information but thought he had watched a commercial about it.

Fast forward to today. Rhett says, "Oh, Mom! It is Hat Day and I need to bring a dollar."


"Because it is our Earth Day project. The project is for these people in Africa who don't have clean drinking water. The dollar helps them buy straws so the drinking water can be clean."

Ah. It all makes sense. I don't know if this is the charity the school is sending the money to, but Straws for Life explains it better than my boys or I could.

Anything else?

Oh, Rhett finished his first "big" book. Aunt Jana gave him Book One of Percy Jackson and The Olympians in March and he completed it earlier this week. He was so excited and wanted Book Two right away. I am so amazed. That book had about 350 pages. I am going to have to show him the website. It looks really cool. Harry Potter cool.

One more thing:

Noah took his graduation pictures yesterday, complete with a collared shirt, tie and cap and gown. He will have a graduation ceremony on May 27, 2009. Aww.

I really can't believe he will be in 1st grade. Wasn't Rhett just there? Now Noah is reading, writing and graduating kindergarten. Just amazing.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Krista said...

I did not know about the straws. Fascinating!