Friday, February 12, 2010

i, apparently, can't handle the heat...

The Pineapple Upside Down Cake that I made didn't turn out quite like I had hoped. 

It was pretty good.  Just not pretty:

Yes, my cake totally broke my cake plate
In many pieces!

What happened? 

Well, the cake was baked in a cast-iron skillet, as per instructions.

I removed the cake from the skillet and placed it on a plate, four minutes after removing it from the oven, as per instructions.

15 minutes later, I heard a loud crack, looked over at the cake and found it in two levels.

That was not in the instructions.
Let this be a warning to you in case you decide to fix that particular recipe.

I want to take the time and tell my mother-in-law happy birthday today.  Have a wonderful day Sandy!

This week has been full of celebrations and here is one I haven't mentioned yet:  My friend Christy delivered a heatlhy baby girl on Monday!  Congratulations!  I am so happy for you!


Krista said...

Oh my! Was it really heavy or really hot? Or both?

I'm sure it tasted delicious, at least!

Karen said...

Obviously the cake plate wasn't heat resistant. How scary!

Congratulations to Christy!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! It still looks wonderful!

And thanks for the mention of our little one -- she is so sweet & doing really well -- as are the rest of us! :)


H Noble said...

We're excited for Christy and hope to visit her soon.

That's one heavy cake! I bet it tasted great anyway.