Monday, August 30, 2010

hello, good-bye last Monday of August

This is a picture I took for my first assignment in photography class.  Assignment 1: Put your camera in M mode, or Manual, adjust some settings and make sure your exposure is correct (or at 0).  And snap away. Seriously, I never thought taking pictures of things could be so much fun, but I am having a blast.  My dogs probably think I am nutso, going around my backyard and taking lots of pictures of a hole in the fence but I did and this is the best one. 

Also, my dogs like music.  I keep it on for them during the day and Scout barks much less now.  But she hasn't stopped completely.  I hear her right now, barking at our neighbors.  I am sure they are SO glad we moved into their neighborhood. 

Speaking of dogs, I think we have 2 or 3 mastiffs living in our neighborhood.  Those dogs are huge but everytime I see one, I want to cry, thinking of Turner and Hooch. 

I have been reading a lot since getting my nook.  Krista lent me the first two books of the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins and I loved them and now I don't know if I want to read the last book because what if it doesn't end in the way that I want.  I know it won't because those kind of stories never end "and they lived happily ever after" and the author's endings make more sense than mine ever would but still...

I also have been reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels (True Blood is based on these books) and I find them hilarious and so much fun to read.  I tend to blow through this quite fast though. 

And I am also trying to get through the stack of Civil War books my dad let me borrow.

Rhett and Noah are loving school.  Noah comes home...happy.  Which is unusual but a welcome change.  I am overwhelmed by their school but as long as they like it and are happy, then I am happy. 

Bye for now!


Anonymous said...

My kids love the Hunger Games Unwind by Neal Schusterman or Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher -- I loved both these! Quick, easy reads!


Karen said...

Love your picture!

Krista said...

Great picture! You used the rule of thirds (which is the only photography rule I know).

Glad Noah is liking school!