Tuesday, May 29, 2007

why I love

...I am doing not just a list today, but a photo list. Much more fun, huh? :)

Why I love...

*Magnolia Trees

The blooms are absolutely beautiful. I have been watching this bud for a good 2 weeks now and suddenly on Thursday, it opened up. Sandy and Sammy were here and they enjoyed the bloom too. The smell is just heavenly and although the flower does not last long (2 days and it turns brown and falls off), it was worth every minute of the 2 week wait.

*The last days of school

Ice cream parties and the start of summer, fun water days and giving gifts to the teacher. I have to say I was so excited because I got to help with Rhett's ice cream party on Friday. I hadn't helped with any other event at his school before because I always had Noah. Turns out, I could have just brought Noah. Everyone else brought their younger children. Oh well. Live and learn. But it was fun being there and watching him with his friends. I hope that next year, when we move to the new school that is opening for our neighborhood that he finds as good as friends as he found this year. Knowing Rhett, he will be fine.

I was a little weepy during Noah's last days of school. The first friend that I made here in Edmond is moving and taking one of Noah's best friends with her. Two more of Noah's friends are moving as well. So it was a little sad. I am happy that Noah will be back with one of his same teachers next year. She is awesome and does so much good for Noah.

*6 year olds

Yep, Rhett lost another tooth. Now he has that big gap that all 6 and 7 year olds have. He is actually laughing in this picture. It was bath time when he lost his tooth and Noah was parading around with his bath robe on but open. So when I took a picture of Rhett, I looked and saw that naked Noah was in the background. I quickly deleted it but Rhett thought it was the funniest thing ever. I was glad that he was laughing because about 10 minutes earlier, I threw a fly ball his way and it hit him square on the nose. I felt terrible! And so did he! :)

Have a great Tuesday!


H Noble said...

Great pictures! I love magnolia blooms too- so rich and sweet!

Quite a gap Rhett has! No corn on the cob or apples for him for a while. :)

Enjoy the beginning of summer with them. I'm sure it will go by too fast.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. I loved them all. See, all that rain you guys have gotten in the past month or so served the magnolia well.

Yea for summer - I cried when I left school Friday, but I was the one leaving so many of my friends.


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are almost as good as the real thing. Now you need to do smell-a-vision. I did smell soooo good. Rhett is cute with his teeth out. He was laughing so hard on the phone about Noah I didn't get it all. Now I do. Enjoy your time with Noah this week--next week you will have them both. Love, Sandy