Wednesday, June 27, 2007

happy birthday Holly!

...Holly is a big birthday celebrator, even more so than I am. I think Justin, her husband, has a birthday close to hers as well, so they pretty much spend the entire month of June celebrating!

So, my friend, I hope you have a wonderful celebration and a fantastic year ahead of you! Many birthday wishes to you and Justin and many more to come!


H Noble said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! I had a wonderful birthday, got to eat wonderful meals all week with Justin and friends, my co-workers decorated my cube with pink Birthday Princess stuff, and we bought the hardwood to redo the floor in our living room! Big day!
Justin's birthday is July 6th, so we are still celebrating- woohoo!
Thanks for the birthday wishes and hello to everyone!

Krista said...

Holly, your birthday is the same as our anniversary, and Justin's birthday is the same as Phoebe's! (Cue spooky music here...)