Wednesday, September 19, 2007

answers to faq

...I finally got an answer to the question we ask every time we are at the eye doctor for Rhett.

Will Rhett have to have surgery to correct his eye-crossing?

We have asked that question every time we have gone to the eye doctor since 2004. And every time the doctor (each time a different doctor) has said, "I don't know," or "Maybe."

Today, the new doctor said, "No."

He said that since Rhett's glasses fix his eye crossing, then to have the surgery would be pointless. Because he will need to wear glasses for his far-sightedness (80%) and the glasses would make his eyes cross outward if they were to correct his inward crossing with surgery. Oh.

I also asked if his eyes would always cross. 50% chance it will get better with age. Not good, not bad. Toss of the coin kind of thing to me. But the good news for Rhett is, that when he gets older and is weaned off his bifocals (that is the doctor's goal), he will be able to wear contacts. So, I feel good. Usually I I didn't learn anything. That we still don't know anything. Today I know something. Rhett will probably always have to wear glasses, which is fine, and he may always have a little eye-crossing action without his glasses or contacts. But he will not always have to wear bifocals. And surgery is not an option because his glasses correct the problem. God is good.


Anonymous said...

That is good news. After only how many drs?


Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS. The nurse just checked eyes today at school and about half my class needs to have their eyes checked or glasses or both. I wondered why they were having so much trouble this year! Sandy

Krista said...

Hooray for answers!

H Noble said...

That's wonderful news! Yea!

Amanda said...

What good news!