Thursday, February 12, 2009

10 things

...A list, because I haven't done one in a while:

1. It is Rhett and Noah's Nana's birthday today. Also, President Lincoln's, as Rhett pointed out. So happy birthday Nana...and Lincoln.

2. Noah is not a morning person. If someone else wakes him up and he doesn't wake up by himself, he is the crankiest child ever. This morning the boys had Doughnuts with Dad at the school and he cried from the moment I came in his room until they left. Its doughnuts! Why are you crying?

3. I have the most fun on Wednesday night when my friend and neighbor comes over to watch Lost with me.

4. I bought the boys' Fun Dip valentines for their classes and I have already had 3 of the leftover packs.

5. I have been meaning to do pilates all week but somehow I just can't get to the 10-minute work-out on the dvd. It is 10 minutes! Surely, but no.

6. We have run out of toilet paper, kleenex, milk, eggs, fruit and meat. But because Rhett was sick yesterday I couldn't make it to the store.

7. My table is crowded with my sewing machine, fabric, my laptop, my calender and other papers. It makes it hard to type.

8. Calvin and Hobbes is quickly becoming a favorite of Rhett and Noah's. I love reading it to them and now Rhett is always saying, "Let me be Calvin!"

9. Krista wrote a list of 25 things on her blog and that is what made me think a list! But I can't do 25 things right now. I am just too tired.

10. I have this package that I am supposed to mail my mom and for 3 weeks (3. weeks.) I haven't been able to make it to the post office because of one thing or another.

1 comment:

Krista said...

It seriously took me almost all day to come up with my list of 25, so I don't blame you for stopping at 10!