Tuesday, December 05, 2006

a nasty cold and a biter

...has made my life a little more difficult these past few days. First, let me tell you, never try to do something constructive while your head is foggy from a cold. Yesterday, I picked up some invitations at the gym where the boys are going to have their birthday party (they provide the invitations and even though it is 15 minutes further to the gym than the nearest party store, the invitations also have a waiver on it so I went with those), addressed at least Noah'a friends' invitations, stuck a stamp on them and put them in the mailbox, 10 minutes before the postman got there. "Yea for me!" I thought, until 10 minutes later, I realized that I had stuck a 37 cent stamp on those invitations, not a 39 cent stamp. "Boo for me!" I thought again, mad at myself that I had even kept those silly stamps.

Back to square one, I decided that today I would have to go back to the gym. But, I emailed all of Noah's friends' moms to tell them about the party so they would at least know about it. I mean, it is the Christmas season, people have parties, I just didn't want them to make other plans, you know?

The mailing of invitations is another story. Apparently, one cannot go into a public school and ask for addresses of other children. I guess it makes sense, but how in the world am I going to invite Rhett's friends to his party? Luckily, the secretary was very nice and said she would mail them. I gave her $2 for stamps (she almost didn't take it because it was too much, and almost made me go to the cafeteria to get change, but I firmly insisted at this point to just take the money!)
So, now, hopefully, the invitations are mailed and someone will make it to the boys' birthday party. Fingers will be crossed.

And now to the second part of my story, which, strangely enough, has to do with the party too. Apparently, one of the kids that Noah wanted at his party, bit another kid, who is invited also. And the mom of the bitee is pretty mad at the biter and the biter's mom. I can certainly understand, but now I have this problem. What if the bitee doesn't come to the party if the biter is coming? Selfish of me to have that thought cross my mind, but I really like the bitee and his mom. She has become a good friend of mine and I really love her kids and want them to come to the party. But I had never seen her so mad. And the biter is, what I thought, a good kid too. Noah really likes to hang out with her and she lives in our neighborhood so they see each other more. And I can't univite the biter, that would be worse than the biting offense! I just don't know what to do. Hopefully, things will get better before the party.

And, to top it all off, I still have a brain fog from this cold. Everytime I get a cold, I promise myself that I will start taking vitamins and making sure I eat better, blah, blah, blah. Then, I start feeling better and I forget to take vitamins and well, you know. And then, I end up blogging about my cold, which can't be a fun read. Sorry.

As my great-grandmother wrote in her diaries, "It will be a better day tomorrow."


Cheryl Wray said...

Oh my goodness--you had a bad day, didn't you?? I had to kinda laugh at the stamp story, though--it sounds like something I would do!!

Krista said...

Sorry about the stamps -- what a bummer!

It's too bad about the biter and the bitee. I hope it all gets worked out. I'm having a hard time understanding why the mom is so mad. It's one of those things that just happens with kids sometimes, you know? Mallory got bitten once at daycare and I was actually glad that she wasn't the one who bit instead!

aimee said...

I should have explained better: She was upset that the mom didn't call her, that the teachers didn't explain exactly what happened (the director called and told her that he was bitten) and that it happened in the first place. I don't know if the mom of the biter knew who her child bit, because sometimes they don't tell, but I do understand about the teachers. They should have explained.

Nancy said...

It sounds like a bad day but as my dad always said, "this too shall pass." I hope the biter - bitee get their act together before the party and I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I am feeling you with the cold. I have had mine for a week and finally went to the doctor today. It was one of my student's dad, so hopefully, they are happy with his English teacher!:) Party time - girl, maybe things will slow down a bit after the holidays! You have been busy!


Anonymous said...

Sorry about your cold. I love the story of the kids at school. Only a teacher would love to hear that other kids and their teachers have about the same kind of days as I do. Yesterday was one of those days for me, but it all worked out okay. Do hope you feel better soon. Sandy

H Noble said...

Sorry you don't feel good. Hope it will pass soon and you'll be back on your feet.

The drama of motherhood! Wow. I have never had the biter-bitee situation, but it seems that it would be understood that kids do that and you can't control them all of the time. Even if you teach them its wrong, they do have a mind of their own. And, perhaps the teacher didn't really know what happened either.
Hope it blows over.

Have a good party anyway!