Thursday, November 29, 2007

sweet and sour

...Noah is getting to be quite famous. It seems as if all the bus drivers know that he will stand there waving and showing toys to whoever drives the bus. The regular bus driver has been gone for the past week and I promise, when the substitute driver opened the doors, he smiled wide when he saw Noah. My neightbor says .must be a photo of Noah saying: "This kid will show you toys. You'll love him!"

His teachers love, love, love him.

Other parents tell me he is such a cutie.

He has a smile that will light up a room.

I have seen him hug on his friends and be so kind to them.

Noah can be so sweet. To other people.

But to his family, he can be so sour. He actually told me today that he was never listening to me again. I told him: "Fine. I just won't talk to you again." He said: "Ahh, you'll forget." Humpph. (Yeah, I felt like I was a little girl fighting with my brother at that moment.)

When he was in the car with my parents the other day, I think he almost drove them crazy because of his complaining and whining.

His aunt was trying to get a picture of him, Rhett and her two kids and he absolved into tears and screaming. (He is almost 5!)

He can be downright mean to his brother.

I guess it is good that he shows his sweet side to others. It could be the other way around and then everyone would dread the little kid.

Oh, he does show his sweetness to us every once in awhile. And I do treasure those moments. Just a few seconds ago, he said he was sorry for saying he would make me pay! because I told him to get his shoes on.

That's something at least.


Anonymous said...

The comments that you get about Noah remind me so much of the comments I used to get about Casey! Sweet to everyone but those who love him most.


Anonymous said...

You are so right. Noah could charm the pants off anyone--when HE wants to. That smile is going to drive the girls' crazy. You can't help but love him! Sandy

I am glad to know his Nana isn't the only one who thinks he is a charmer.

Abbey said...

I love that your mom compared him to Casey. Didn't we always tell Casey he would get the good kids and the sisters would get the ones like him?

Krista said...

Mom beat me to it -- I was totally going to say, Hmm, who does this remind me of?

At least he's good in public! It would be worse if he was a problem child everywhere. And the fact that he acts up with you means that he trusts you completely and knows that you will love him no matter what. Which may be small consolation sometimes!

And I'm sorry, but the "make you pay" thing really made me laugh.

Sherry said...

So are you two talking again?!? :)
I love reading what your life is like (even when it's frustrating) just takes me back into the realm of not so very long ago and all the fun when my teens were these ages.

Most kids are sweet and sour Aimee...they show the world what we've taught them at home, what they've learned within the loving arms of their family and we get the sour puss, that place to just vent, let off steam and aborb the world. They do learn and they do get better...honest!!!