Friday, November 30, 2007

my sister started it

...Yesterday, Krista posted about how good her memory is and also about Santa. First, her memory is amazing. Secondly, I, too, have been thinking about Santa a lot lately especially because my 2 sons are asking many questions that I am having a hard time answering.

Question: Does Santa have money to pay for all these toys that he gives?

Noah has asked this question many times. At first, I answered yes. (easiest) Then I changed my mind. Because, as my sister pointed out, many kids less fortunate than mine don't not get gifts because they are bad so I can't say that Santa is shelling out money for some and not for others. That wouldn't be fair.

Question: Do I use the "Santa is watching you" line on my boys?

Absolutely. I have been singing it to them every time they fight. Hey, it gets them to stop! I don't ever say that they won't get gifts if they are not good but I guess that is implied in the song. I have also told them their uncle got a jar of tears one year for crying too much. (Isn't it funny how strong a memory that is?) They don't take it too seriously though.

Question: Do you have to have faith in Santa?

Rhett asked this question last night. We were listening to a story about having faith in the Christmas spirit and he got confused. I tried to explain that Santa came each year to give kids an example of the spirit of giving. Because that is what he is all about. He gives, without thanks, without expecting anything in return, because he wants to. It is very beautiful when you think about it. I have heard many stories over the years about adults teaching children who are too old to "believe" about this spirit of giving and how it is so important as a human to have an unselfish heart. I think the poem, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" and my favorite story from when I was a child, "The Littlest Christmas Tree" are two such stories for me.

Question: Do you believe in Santa Claus?

Rhett also asked me this question. I know he is getting close to figuring out something. In school they are studying different countries and how they celebrate Christmas and he said that some people in Mexico don't believe in Santa. I also know some kids in his class already don't believe.

I answered "Yes." Just like my mom did when I asked her. She never told me no. Ever. Do I think she is a liar? No. I think she was being true to her heart. Like I am now. I don't ever want to tell my sons that I don't believe. And for reasons such as the one stated above, I won't. Really, isn't it much more fun to believe in something so good and so kind than to not?

I do remember the year I left Santa milk and cookies and I got a letter from "him" thanking me. The moment I looked at the note, I knew. It was my mom's handwriting. (She has the neatest handwriting!) And it broke my heart. Still, I told myself that he was still real and I hung that letter up on my bulletin board. I kept it there for most of the year. And every time I looked at it, I knew the big truth. At first I was mad. How could he not be real? Then I came to understand what Santa was all about and why mom was adament in her belief. And, then, the next Christmas, I too, found mom's hiding spot for gifts. So life was good again. :)

Question: So what will I do when my boys stop believing?

Cry. Ha! Well, maybe. But first, I'll find that poem and then I'll tell them my story and how much fun it is to be someone else's "Santa." And I'll find a better hiding spot for gifts other than my closet because really, that is the first place they will look. (Sorry mom.)


Anonymous said...

Neat post! I'm sorry, but if you remember the house in which all of you grew up, where else was I going to hide gifts?! The bedrooms were full, and there just wasn't any place else. I think that I knew that all of you found where the gifts were hid, but like I said, where else was there! I think that Casey actually got other gifts the year that he got the jar of tears, but does anyone remember what? And, I still believe in Santa! I think that it is the spirit that giving is so much more fun than receiving, just like Santa.


Sherry said...

The dilemma of every parent at this time of year...we walk that fine line.

I'm with your mom..I still believe and I love to watch "Miracle on 34th Street" for that very reason...because I've never lost that wonder of "what if" and "make believe".

icanseeclearlynow said...

hi there. i found you over at sherry's.

how CUTE that your little one is concerned about santa's finances! such a sweet post.



Nina Diane said...

My kids are 25, 20 and 19 and they still believe in Santa. I told them when they were young that if you stop believing, it's just not as much fun anymore. This is what my mom told me and I still believe! And there is no one out there that can deny the "magic" that happens in your home on Christmas eve........and that's Santa......magic!