Wednesday, June 25, 2008

follow up to the library

...Can you tell I know a lot of exceptionally literary people? (Look in yesterday's comments to know what I mean) Too bad Krista is out of pocket (hey, I used it too!) because I know she would have had something to say also.

I know about Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelusky. They are awesome and I have been reading the boys those poems for awhile. I guess they just weren't ready for the others. No big deal though. I will keep trying Christy.

Yesterday I was reading Harper Lee's biography and was amazed that I also picked up Truman Capote's biography because they did not just come from the same small town in Alabama, they also were lifelong friends! They begin writing stories together! Wow! (I love when I find a connection to something I was previously unaware).


Anonymous said...

It is an interesting pairing...we touched on this a bit with my 9th graders while reading TKAM.

The movies "Infamous" & "Capote" - both fairly recent focus tell of their relationship as well.


Krista said...

Isn't Dill supposed to be Capote?

I need to find my Shel Silverstein books and read them to the girls...thanks for that reminder!

aimee said...

Yes, Dill is Capote. He loved admitting that as well.