Monday, June 30, 2008

what have you done with my mom?

...Last night, during our movie night (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark), I decided to wash my face and put on a clay mask (to make me feel refreshed, as the label on the bottle claimed). I came back out and sat on the couch. 5 minutes later, Seth finally looks at me. Though the lights are dimmed, he sees my face looking a little green and I tell him, "Mask." He nods his head and goes back to watching the movie.

During one of the best parts of the movie (Indy and Marion together on the boat, so romantic, so sweet, so funny), I say something to Rhett and he looks at me. I have been sitting beside him for 10 minutes with this mask on my face by the way. Anyway, he looks at me, looks back at the tv, then does a double take. His face was priceless. "What did...What is that!" I tell him, "A mask."

R: "A mask?"
me: "yes."
R: "Who are you supposed to be?"

At this point, I am laughing so hard. Noah finally looks at me too and his face went from smiling to horror. I have to tell Seth to pause the movie because I am laughing so hard.

me: "Rhett, it is a facial mask!"
R: "Oh. Then where are your cucumbers?"

Five minutes later, my mask comes off. My face is a little smoother. But my spirit is refreshed. The mask did what it claimed on the bottle; perhaps, even more so.


Krista said...

Ha! The "Who are you supposed to be?" is the best!

Glad it refreshed your spirit!

Cheryl Wray said...

LOL I LOVE it!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You should have said the creature from the green lagoon or something! That is hilarious.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, they are true Houstons when they watch TV! Sandy

H Noble said...

That was hilarious!