Tuesday, June 10, 2008


...Last night, I went to get band-aids and neosporin for Noah, whose finger injury from the batting cages is getting to the point of annoying to all of us. Would the darn fingernail just fall off already so I can stop being grossed out (remember I'm pregnant) and Noah can stop crying every single time he hits it. Sigh. Anyway, I also stopped by Sonic and got four $.99 milkshakes for us. I would say this is a special treat, but lately we've been getting these alot.

The four of us were in the living room enjoying these cold treats-Rhett enjoying his without the lid-trying to figure out what we were going to "conversation about" (Rhett's words) when we got tickled at something. When I say "tickled" that means that Seth and I were giggling and Noah and Rhett were laughing hysterically.

What happened next was when I wished that there was a button to freeze time, run and get my camera, take the picture and then press the button back to the present again.

Rhett, somehow, fell chin first into his milkshake. He had his legs on the couch and he was bent over toward the coffee table with his face in his cup. And for a long, few seconds just sat there in this awkward position, I guess trying to figure out how to get up. After asking if he was okay, Seth and I tried hard to play stern. I mean, he got chocolate milkshake on a few places, including the carpet. He shouldn't have had the lid off. Blah, blah, blah.

Seth couldn't hold it in. He burst out laughing. The boys were laughing. I couldn't not laugh. It was by far the funniest accident I have ever witnessed.


JNoble said...

Now that is what I call good parenting. Too many parents would have blow their top and not scene the humor in the situation. Doesn't preclude a 'teachable moment' but those moments can come about by laughs as well. This coming from a parent of all of five months...


Krista said...

I think that the ability to laugh at yourself when you do something ridiculous is also a good lesson to learn! And probably more important than learning to keep the lid on.

And yeah, I wish you'd had the camera out!

H Noble said...

That's too funny! I will admit that I'm going to be the parent who probably blows their top (yes, that's my laid-back hubbie on the first comment!). Thankfully we do have wood floors now, so maybe a few messes can be simply wiped up! :)

Cheryl Wray said...

LOL That is TOO Funny!!!

And....hooray for Sonic milkshakes. Yummy!!!