Wednesday, August 27, 2008

here's a little more

...Apparently, Miss D is Noah's girlfriend.

Conversation went like this:

me: So Noah did you find out what Miss D's name is?
N: Yes.
Rhett: Is she your girlfriend?
N: Well, yes. She is.
Rhett: You mean a friend that's a girl or your girlfriend?
N, matter-of-factly: Girlfriend.
me: Okay.

Wow. He moves fast. :)

R: Actually, I have a girlfriend too.
me: You do? Who?!
R, starting to regret this course of action on his part: Uh, you remember A?
me: She's your girlfriend? Aww!
R, embarressed: No. She's not. I don't have a girlfriend. Really.
me: Okay.

I dropped that one. I could tell he was getting to worked up about that one.

me: So Noah, who do you sit by at circle time?
N: Mom, I sit by 2 girls! One is Miss D and I don't remember the other one's name.
me: Tell me about Miss D. (I only call her this on the blog, in case you were wondering)
N: She wears brown. A lot. Like a lot.
R: Maybe she's a Halloween girl.
me: That is okay. Rhett.
N: Her hair is brownish like mine. And long. And straight.

Awww. I just can't help but think this is the cutest thing. :)


Anonymous said...

Noah is definitely a ladies man! He will probably always have girls vying to sit by him!


Krista said...

He does move fast!

I noticed that Mallory's kindergarten boyfriend was not in her class this year...I asked her if she was sad about that. She rolled her eyes and said, "Mommy, I'm in first grade now, I have to get a new boyfriend anyway!" Oh, okay then!

Anonymous said...

I agree with your mom, I always thought of Noah as being fond of the ladies! And why not, he has a killer smile!
