Monday, August 08, 2011

wishin', hopin', and thinkin' and prayin'

 At first, I didn't want to take pictures of my dried-out plants.  They look so sad.  The tops of my little pines, brown and crispy.  The bushes, the flowers, even the trees look very parched.  We water but its not enough, especially now that we have to conserve water. 
 But I decided that yes, I needed the reminder.  When things are good, rainy and wet, we tend to forget to do little things like conserve water or be thankful.  We just assume it will always be like this. 
 I read a few days ago, that La Nina may return after neutral conditions in the fall.  That isn't good for any of us in the US (droughts in the South, flooding in other regions...) but its hard to pray for El Nino (which brings us more than average rainfall here in the South) because it causes drought conditions in places like Austraila! So I guess we just hope and pray for neutral conditions to stay. 
 Right now I wish there was such a thing as drought insurance.  Who knows how many trees and plants are going to have to be replaced?
But I won't worry about that right now. I just hope that next year, I'll have some new pictures to take the place of these. 

1 comment:

Krista said...

Aw, your poor plants. I'll hope for rain for you too.