Tuesday, July 31, 2007

more on rhett

...I love this picture, even though Rhett is riding right out of the frame. I love his face, so excited to be showing his mom how good he is on his scooter. And he really is. He has lost that fear of falling that he had last year when he first learned to ride his bike. Now he goes down the hills fast on his bike and scooter. He is even learning to ride a skateboard, his dad's no less. It is huge for him but he still loves to ride it.

Rhett is very technical and wants to master things right away. He does something over and over again to make sure he understands it. I think that is one of the reasons he asks questions over and over too. I know part of it is because of his age, but I think he just wants to make sure he knows what is going on and why and when and who is involved and where it will be...you get the picture. If I don't answer something, it drives him just as crazy as it does when he does all the asking. So I am trying to not let it bother me so much. But I do have to share this story:

The other day I was making dinner and was trying to open 3 cans. But my can opener would not work properly and it was making me mad. Mad that we only have one can opener, mad that I could get it to kind of work for a second then it would stop, mad that it was only a few months old! When Seth walked in the kitchen, I told him we needed a new can opener.

Why do we need a new can opener?

What is wrong with it?

Have you tried to open a can with it?

Have you tried to fix it?

Let me see you try to open a can with it.

Here is the funny part. I would expect these questions to come from Seth, that is just like him to question it like I didn't mean it. BUT, the questions were from, you-know-who--Rhett! Just like his daddy. I looked at him, then I looked at Seth, who was laughing, and I just shook my head because it is so scary how alike they are.


H Noble said...

How funny! I thought it was Seth doing the asking, for real, b/c that sounds just like him!

I got a new can opener for my birthday b/c of the same problem. I got one that screws into the bottom of the top cabinets so its hands free and off the counter! I love it!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Aimee. I had only one--you will have to live with two. Yes, they are very much alike. That is why they don't always get along so well either. Sandy

Amanda said...

How funny!