Friday, March 16, 2007

just some things to note

...The wind chimes are gone. You know the ones my neighbors hung on their tree outside, which happened to be pretty close to our bedroom window. I complained about them constantly to Seth and I know I mentioned them here once. The funny thing is---I don't know how long they have been gone. I just looked out my window this morning to see if it was a drive Rhett to the school bus stop day (cold) and thought, "At least it is not windy. Because I can't hear the wind chimes." Then a thought struck me--"I didn't hear them yesterday when it was windy!" I looked out and gone.

Did I tell you that I am horrible with directions and I have a terrible sense of direction? I have gotten my mother and me lost at least twice while driving around in OKC since moving here and I totally got the boys and me turned around in a friend's neighborhood. The worst one was last week. Noah's soccer practice is way across town. It takes a good 25 minutes to get there. Last week, I printed off directions. Well either I looked up the wrong address or read them wrong, but I ended up 25 minutes out of the way. So, after some coaching from Seth (and frustrated tears from me), we got to Noah's practice about 20 minutes late. Yes, I drove around for 45 minutes. Sad.

The boys have started looking at the book, There's a Monster at the End of The Book again. Rhett loved reading this book when he was around 2 or 3. He had the thing memorized! Well they found it the other day and just laughed and laughed while I read it. What is so funny, is that they are both so literal (Rhett especially), that they feel they have to explain why Grover was so afraid and that they really weren't afraid, ect.---every time. I guess they want to make sure I understand the book. The book is actually mine. The cover is torn and the pages are pretty thin. I loved it too. I just don't remember having to explain that I wasn't really scared of any monsters. Ha!

The boys and I are spending a few days with the grandparents for Spring Break. We haven't been out of town since Christmas because of the snow and ice. So it will be nice to get away.

Have a great weekend!


Cheryl Wray said...

OMG, what a small small world! Just last night Delaney got out that book and was reading it to Sydney. She was being so dramatic and doing faces with it. It was so sweet and S loved it!! So funny that you mentioned it today!
Love your random thoughts!
Have a great weekend!

Krista said...

We love that book around our house too. Of course Chris does a perfect Grover voice and the girls are always kind of disappointed when I read in in my regular voice! How funny that your boys provide a running commentary on it!

Have fun this weekend!

H Noble said...

Oh, Aimee. I am the same way with the directions. How did we ever survive together in Lubbock?? (Maybe b/c all the streets are in a grid! :) )
I keep directions to EVERYTHING printed out in my glove box, including how to get to all of my friends' houses- its sad really.

Shaunna :) said...

That was my fave book when I was little too!! I totally bought Brodyn a copy at some point when I found it at Wal-Mart; mine ended up at Grandma's house and was well enjoyed by 6 other kids! Great to hear you're spending some time away for the spring break! Hope you have a good time!!